Saturday, 23 March 2013

Embellishment Workshop

I'm excited to tell you that I'll be hosting my 2nd workshop at Garden Room, Braithwell.

Here's the Embellishment Workshop info -

Embellish [em·bel·lish]
Verb. To make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features.

Join us on Tuesday 23rd April, I will teach you some of the techniques you can use to further enhance your own personal items.

In this workshop, I will demonstrate hand applique, machine applique, reverse applique, hand embroidery, free machine embroidery and couching; which can be applied in differing ways to a range of fabric items.

Maybe you could decorate a cushion, tablecloth, skirt, jacket or even the bag you made at our recent Recycled Bag Workshop (if you were unable to attend, please keep an eye out for future bag workshops). If you prefer, you could use the day to create a series of samples of each technique, which you can then apply to future projects.

Just bring along the item or material that you would like to embellish and any further fabrics, trims or buttons which you would like to use as decoration and we will take care of the rest. If you have your own sewing machine, please bring that along too.

Once you grasp the basic techniques, the possibilities are endless; all that you need is a little creative flair and there will be no stopping you.

So, why not join us for a fun day in a relaxed and informal setting where you will be given personal tuition to release your inner creativeness.

Only 3 places left, so don't hang around if you fancy coming along!!

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