Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Its all in a name

Here's a little indroduction to why I'm writing this, and more importantly, why you are reading it.

Writing a blog: not quite sure what this is all about, writing is not my favourite medium to put across my ideas but I am going to give it a go to share with you some of my creative meanderings........I think there may be more pictures than words!!!

Why reggie and olive?:  Reggie - that is me. Although my actual name is Karen, to some I am known as Reg, Reggie or Reginald.  This started way back when I was 17 and came about as a combination of my maiden name being Gutteridge (there was a boxing commentator called Reg Gutteridge) and my Dad working as an inspector on the buses (Reg Varney). The name was given to me by an old college tutor and it stuck, thanks Paul.  Olive - is my lovely Labrador cross, who is now 8 years old and going greyer by the day.

Here's a picture of Olive in one of her favourite positions, laid on the sofa relaxing on one of my cushions.

Family: Burt my significant other (who is really called Damian) moved into our family home 4 years ago and we got married on 22 May last year.  Olive still, on occasion, turns into the green eyed monster.

What I do: I work full-time as a secondary school teacher, teaching textiles and art.

Reggie dreams of: working part-time as a teacher and spending more time on being creative and living in a rural setting with a studio in the garden, a vegetable plot and some chickens, and maybe 6 dogs...... happily ever after!!!!  All of the above in New Zealand would be the top trump.

Olive loves: food (all varieties); sleeping on the sofa; going for walks; fetching balls/sticks/plastic bottles (but not very good at dropping them); swimming and chasing squirrels (but far to slow to ever catch one).

Olive hates: fireworks; thunder; gun shots; I suppose any loud noises and having a bath.

What's next: I am currently enjoying the summer holidays filling my time with drawing, painting, sticking, sewing and generally creating. Oh and also cooking, cleaning, washing and taking Olive on big walks.  My aim is to share with you my creative undertakings as they develop.

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